John MacDonald (ice hockey), Canadian ice hockey player who played for Destil Trappers in the Netherlands

 The Tilburg Trappers are a professional ice hockey club based in Tilburg, The Netherlands. They previously played in the highest level ice hockey league in the country, but have been playing in the German Oberliga Nord since the 2015-16 season. Founded on 21 October 1938, they were officially recognised by the National Federation on 18 January 1939. The Trappers were crowned Eredivisie champions for the first time in the 1946-47 season, adding another 14 National Dutch Championships, 15 Dutch National Cups and 3 German Oberliga Championships over the years.

The club has an amateur branch, which is a separate legal entity and plays in the highest Dutch league (Eredivsie). The Trappers play their home games in the Stappegoor IJssportcentrum Tilburg.

Tilburg Trappers. (2022, October 29). In Wikipedia.
